
  • Healing Hands

    Tenzo had gone a long way toward convincing everyone that he's doing okay after the war, until Sakura refuses to leave well enough alone. She's going to have to wade through a lot of things, including her own failures and problems to save him from himself.

  • All or Nothing

    Sakura, Kakashi, and Sasuke deal with the fallout of Sakura's affair with Kakashi.

  • Second Chances

    When Kakashi loses a bet and has to sign up for a matchmaking charity, the last person that he expected to get paired with was a former student. (Alternatively, Kakashi and Sakura both get a second chance after life screws them over) (Modern AU)

  • Losing Control

    Genma had never wanted that. He was simple, taking pleasure where and when he could find it, letting everything else roll off him. Worry, uncertainty, and fears about the future were for people who had a future. Genma was an assassin, a guard, and a shinobi; he wasn't normal.