

  • Live

    M/M Angst, Post Endgame; Faleris Surana x Zevran A mage's phylactery is a leash, and they are done with leashes. All they ever wanted was to live, free of the Crows and of the Circle. Fal freed Zevran from the Crows, and it's time for Zevran to return the favor. Warning: Contains self-harm for the purpose of blood magic, near-death experiences, depictions of violence

  • In Your Gaze I Wish To Stay

    How does an old elven god fall in love with a young Dalish positive hunter? With cake, fluff, and a good number of surprises! An exploration on how Solas fell in love with Miriel Lavellan. Slow-build. Lots of fluff and more upcoming serious moments. Updates on Fridays. cover image by slayersangel on tumblr!