

  • All The World's a Stage

    Harriet Potter was only seven-years-old when the odd, pale eggshell blue, holographic textbox popped up in front of her. You have been sponsored! Welcome to The Game! (or; in which Harriet Potter gains the ability of 'The Gamer' and her life takes a turn both for the better and the worse.) Gamer!Harry. Fem!Harry. AU. Dark Themes.

  • Mortem Obire

    Divination was meant to be a joke of a subject, and had coincidentally been her worst grade at OWL level. Somehow that made her eligible to receive visions of a future yet to come in a world where there's no other choice for her to become a hero once more. Fem!Harry. Reincarnation. Pre PJO-TOA.

  • Some Fall By Virtue

    The name marring her skin brings both hope and despair in equal measures. Still, it doesn't stop her from longing for that elusive feeling which has escaped her in all three of her previous lives. Because there's someone out there who's meant to love her, and Sakura knows he'll either do just that – or he'll shatter her heart beyond repair. Soulmate AU.

  • Chronos

    Everyone knew that Lord Glorfindel's soulmate would have to be as wonderful, strong, and kind as he. A perfect elleth made to match him in beauty, strength, and glory. Every elf from Forlond to Rivendell knew that much. Nobody expected her. Soulmate AU. Mokuton Sakura.

  • Blood & Circumstance

    Only weeks after the Uchiha Clan Massacre, another massacre takes place, mostly kept quiet and swept under the rug. They don't particularly want people getting the wrong impression of Konoha, and it's quite easy to keep it under wraps. After all, the Haruno Clan is predominately civilian – nothing more than a small blip on the sensory radar of a shinobi. AU. Gen. Slowburn.

  • surreptitious

    Harriet Potter does her part, walking into the forest to meet her death. Then she wakes up in a random field in the middle of nowhere, de-aged somewhat, but the year is inexplicably 1942 rather than 1998. Fem!Harry. Time Travel. MOD Harry. AU.

  • Changeling

    Harriet Potter vanishes one night while out camping with the Dursleys, black-haired, and green-eyed, with rounded, human ears. Harriet Potter returns on her eleventh birthday, white-haired, and green-eyed, with pointed ears. A fey child displaced from the home she made for herself - and a child determined to find her way back home. No matter what the humans think. Fem!Fae!Harry.