

  • St Elmo's Fire

    Twelve years ago, Lance McClain cut ties with his fellow Paladins believing it was the only way to find himself and become more than a heartbroken young man. Lance's abandonment hurt, but Pidge Holt has moved on, establishing her identity as a respected scientist. Now, an unexpected adventure reunites them on a journey to forgiveness and love. Because sometimes, 2nd chances happen.

  • Three (Would-Be) Paladins and a DeLorean

    Pidge, Lance and Hunk sneak out of Galaxy Garrison for some unauthorized R&R in the nearby town of Torre Siena. When the inevitable happens—they get kicked out of a bar—they wander the streets and encounter a very strange, stainless steel car.

  • A Rain of Fire

    Pidge Holt can repair anything. Except a broken heart. In the gathering fury of a dangerous Altean oort storm, she struggles with her terrible people skills, needing to get a depressed and nearly catatonic Lance out of the storm's path.