

  • Forgotten Instincts

    Having been torn from Hylia and her sealing power, Zelda travels with Link as a companion to appease the corrupted Divine Beasts, but she must hide her identity because his memory is gone & mentality hanging by a thread. She has to live under an alias until his memory of her returns, even if that means he's falling in love with the woman she's pretending to be. (POV Link & Zelda)

  • Of Midnight Findings and Revue

    For his solo, Link usually picks the birthday girls or the bachelorettes, but tonight he chose someone different. She smelled like lilac perfume and laboratory latex gloves and looked like she just came from the garden. This decision spirals into both of them under the enchanting light of a midnight city, to a night market, to a used book store, and then eventually, to his bedroom.