Han tog hans hand när världen runt Otto ändrade färg. (One-shot.)
He took his hand as the world around Otto changed colors. (One-shot.)
Sprx har räddat allas liv så många gånger att de börjar tro att han inte bryr sig om sin egen. (One-shot. Antauri/Gibson/Nova/Otto/SPRX-77, queerplatoniska Antauri/Sprx och Gibson/Nova.)
Sprx has saved everyone's lives so many times that they start to believe he doesn't care for his own. (One-shot. Antauri/Gibson/Nova/Otto/SPRX-77, queerplatonic Antauri/Sprx and Gibson/Nova.)
Just the mere process of it was enough to help soothe her. (One-shot. Human Amethyst)
Tales and stories of the Hyperforce with their kids. (One-shot collection. Poly Monkeys ChiSprx.)
Sprx kom bara in för att kolla på Otto. (One-shot. Double drabble.)
Sprx merely came in to check on Otto. (One-shot. Double drabble.)
Antauri och Gibson gosade under stjärnorna. (One-shot.)
Antauri and Gibson cuddle under the stars. (One-shot.)
Deras läppar kolliderade när Sprx kastade sin arm runt Chiros axel. (One-shot.)
Their lips collided as Sprx threw his arm around Chiro's shoulder. (One-shot.)
Hon vände sig om för att se behållarna som rymde fem apor började öppna sig. (One-shot. För-series. Könsbytte Chiro.)
She turned around to see the containers that held five monkeys began opening up. (One-shot. Pre-canon. Genderbent Chiro.)
Sprx vill inte gå upp än och han vill inte heller att Antauri ska lämna. (One-shot. Queerplatonisk Antauri/Sprx.)
Sprx doesn't want to get up yet nor does he want Antauri to leave. (One-shot. Queerplatonic Antauri/Sprx.)
Det är en kall dag, alla umgås med varandra, speciellt när de gosar kring Nova. (One-shot. Antauri/Gibson/Nova/Otto/SPRX-77.)
It's a cold day, everyone bundles up with one another, especially cuddling around Nova. (One-shot. Antauri/Gibson/Nova/Otto/SPRX-77.)
Sprx skyddar Antauri under strid och blir skadad i processen. (One-shot. Queerplatonisk Antauri/Sprx.)
Sprx protects Antauri during battle and gets hurt in the process. (One-shot. Queerplatonic Antauri/Sprx.)