
  • Long Promised Road

    They're wasn't anything special about him. Jacob was just a high-school student. normality got thrown out the window when his car (with him in it) got hauled into the sky. Now Jacob is trapped in a familiar world only having seeing the first five episodes. What comes after will be completely new to him. Will he return home or remain in the new world forever?.

  • Looking’ at tomorrow

    Jacob Wilson was a simple man. One day however he is thrust into another world which is only familiar with by one OVA. Uncertain of the future he will have to survive and hope to find a way home. Joining the Knight Sabres was just a happy accident.

  • Long promised road

    The only ones to survive were animals. Humanity died off thanks to genetic weaponry. Only one human survived thanks to a cosmic event transporting him 1500 years into the future. Being found by one of the New World and taken in becoming part of a band and falling in love the one who had found him.

  • Long Promised Road

    Only cats, dogs and other animals survived. Evolving and taking the world which was abandoned. But one human survived, a 20 year old who was friends with a scientist who invented cryogenic sleep in his bunker. Now the last of his kind Mark must watch as the world that was once his slips away while he sleeps. All hope seeming lost till he meets an Angel.

  • Omega-Road 23

    An old friend he hadn’t seen in two years suddenly calls him out of the blue and Mark Harrison finds himself in a world of trouble. On the run from an organisation called MECH with the task I’m delivering an advanced high-tech motorcycle with an artificial intelligence aboard to Jasper Nevada. Lidl that he knows he’s walking into a larger conflict unlike anything he’s ever seen.

  • Feel Flows

    The world ended but one from that era escaped but was placed into cryogenic freeze by his mother and father…waking 1000 years later Jacob McKinney finds himself in a new world where a toxic jungle spreads across the land consuming all and it’s wake. When he thought he had escaped it only manages to worse than before…till he meets a girl named Nausicaä.

  • This Whole World

    Another world, another time. Jacob Mason was normal, aside from having a crazy great grandfather who believed to have seen an alien. Little that Jacob knew that his great grandfather was the key and now Jacob is in the cross hairs of something much more then himself. But like his grandfather his mind is beginning to slip.

  • Slip on through

    A boy from before the seven days fire ends up in the future without warning!. Alone and confused he thinks he’s still in his own time but soon be met with the cold reality of when he ended up. Being the last of the ceramic Eire he finds sanctuary in the valley of the wind.

  • The long and winding road

    A different take on the classic story. Another human and autobot join the cast in the beginning. Things shift and time will alter in a epic tale unlike anything in the original. By the time it’s done it will be so different it’ll almost be unrecognizable.

  • Bubblegum crisis: Into the unknown

    Jacob McKinney was a average man living a normal life. However after saving a kid at the cost of his own life he is taken from his world to another for his bravery. He knows this world but he’s only seen 2 of the 8 OVA’s!.

  • All Things Must Pass

    One survivor from the 7 days of fire. A 17 year old boy awakes to find himself far out of his time in a dark world where humanity isn’t well. All hope seems lost but the boy is recused by a girl his age named Nausicaä who shows him how to live again in this new world which was once his home.

  • Nausicaa: Nowhere man

    The seven days a fire destroyed the old world as we knew it. Very little remains of those days. Imagine the surprise when someone who lived though seven days a fire shows up completely out of his element in a world so far removed from his own…

  • Tomorrow never knows

    A boy from the 2040s wakes up on the first day of the seven days of fire. His mother and his only friend hatching a plan behind his back to keep him alive no matter the cost. He wakes in the future The world will be completely changed and everything he knew would be gone. It’s a strange new world where humanity is no longer the earths master. For him the adventure is already begun.

  • The shadow’s journey

    Nearing the end of 2038 begins the seven days a fire! A scientist who sat it coming drugs his own son placing him into cryogenic sleep for 1000 years to make sure he lives on. Alone in the new world the relic of the past will come across one of the last things he ever expected. The welcoming valley of the wind.

  • The Shadows Journey

    War is on the horizon in Europa. The year is 1935 and many can feel the tension in the air. A young university student find them self on the run from Prince Maximilian himself!. But once the man returns home a conflict so great to begins he has no choice but to fight.

  • Don’t let me down

    When Mech tries to go after Jack it is his friend who leads them away from Darby and paid the ultimate price before finally being rescued. Will he be the same despite the change in body?.

  • Bubblegum crisis: Genesis (Rewrite)

    When at work on a rainy day Jacob’s whole world comes crashing down around him as he is kidnapped to another dimension where the events of bubblegum crisis are real!. Confused and alone he will have to find his way home and foil Genom whose ambitions reach more higher than he had ever seen!.

  • Bubblegum Crisis: Get Back

    He was a librarian, taking over for a coworker when a mysterious figure comes out of nowhere stripping him from reality entirely. Jacob will suddenly discover the universe is far larger than he possibly imagine. Now needing to get back home he will have to rely on his wits and memory more than anything then ever before

  • Loneliest of creatures

    Many people go missing all the time. Nobody noticed when young John Martin vanished back in February 8th 1980. He thought his life was over right then and there. It wasn’t till years later he would finally be found by the most unlikely of creatures.

  • Different point of view

    While on a routine relic garb Arcee and Jack find a damaged relic pod and it has strange side effects. Now she will experience a whole new way of life from being an autobot…being human. Ratchet will have his work cut out for him as he repairs to relic to restore Arcee, but when she falls in love will she want to return after tasteing life without war?.