

  • This Love Isn't Crazy

    Our love didn't save us. But it did save our Harry.

  • Patrol Partners

    Lily Evans was looking forward to patrolling the castle with the Head Boy James Potter. But James... wasn't. What happened? What changed?

  • Planning For The Holidays

    Lily Evans was planning something with... James Potter? JILY. ONE-SHOT.

  • Planning For The Holidays

    Lily Evans was planning something for the holidays with... James Potter? Jily One-shot

  • Something He Couldn't Resist

    There is something James Potter could not resist. And it involved a familiar red-haired girl he fancied. Jily. One-shot.

  • She Said--- (One-shot)

    James Potter decided that this would be the last time he would ask Lily Evans to go out with him. And she said...