
  • Tomorrow

    Holly has waited years for her soul mate; only to be devastated who is her soulmate. However, she is drawn to her handsome professor, Marvolo Gaunt; however, she discovers Marvolo is harbouring a dark secret.

  • It Will Rain

    Pansy Parkinson learned the hard way. Sometimes love isn’t enough. Getting betrayed by her husband the love of her life sounds like a horror film. A horror film about Pansy’s life.

  • Secrets

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Aífe finds herself in a different dimension with a “sane” resurrected Voldemort. In this dimension Aífe is once again reborn this time trapped in a never ending cycle of light and darkness with her archenemy.

  • The Potters

    He unknowingly invoke an ancient spell which pulls eight different versions of the Boy-Who-Lived into their world. With the Second Wizarding War well underway, Harry and the Order of the Phoenix have a new set of problems to deal with. Nine, to be exact.

  • Strangers Like Me

    Alex was a regular guy who had the misfortune of dying at the cusps of manhood. Somehow the Creator thought it would’ve been nice of him to be involved with the supernatural. That’s the last thing he wanted in second life. Will he be able to change the outcome of his life and those around him?

  • Double Identity

    Natasha Romanov was pregnant it seems her past has caught up to her. Her lost child wants her dead. Her one nightstand has no recollection of her for he’s a teen. Now, a wizard wants her and the Avengers to see movies. Once again the Earth is in danger.

  • The Son Of The Clown Prince

    James Potter is alive, but not whole. Watch as a deranged James Potter returns to England and leaves his own mark upon the Wizarding World. (Its better than it sounds... I think. Just read the first chapter and you tell me.)

  • Where’s my Love

    A story where Albus Dumbledore unknowingly created a monster that couldn’t be stopped.

  • Married to the Enemy

    Regulus Matthew Potter is a time traveler who grown up to become his mother’s legacy who represents hope within the wizarding community but deep inside him lives the darker aspect of his sperm donor’s legacy. He never expected to time travel through out his parents lives especially be in twined in their blossoming tragic love story.

  • White Wings

    Ever since Odette accidentally kissed none other than The Golden Boy of Gryffindor's saviour Harry Potter. Ever since her kiss, she has been experiencing dreams that feels like a distant memory, but like is a part of her. How is Harry Potter related to her dreams? Will she be able to survive the War to come? BOOK 1 of The Wings

  • The Knot

    Since birth they have been marked to save their universes. Will they be able to do so or let it crumble into nothingness?

  • Hurricane

    Unbeknownst to the boy who lived is a prince. Not just any prince but the prince of Asgard. How is he going to handle the situation of his father likes wearing skin tight spandex, and fighting foreign aliens and monsters? Harry Potter x Avengers x Young Justice x Justice League crossovers

  • Strange Birds

    Harry Potter and Delphini Riddle were in the middle of a battle when they find themselves trapped in the past. Not just any past but the start of Harry’s first year of Hogwarts. Will Harry and Delphini choose the light or the dark? Or Create a different path?

  • Kings and Queens

    What if Hyacinth Potter had been rescued from the Dursleys at age five and raised as the heiress of the Noble and Most Ancient,and... etc?

  • Youth

    Young Rose Weasley is dead. Yeah,you read correctly she is dead but not for long for a deity offered her a deal. You may ask what is the deal she was offered? She was offered to help the Boy-Who-Lived on the condition for him not to stray from the path of light but can she do it and at the same time not fall in love with her parent's best friend.