
  • Return to Outpost Unicorn - A Starfox AU Tale by StogieGoat

    Hello, again dear reader! It's the end of August so that means KrAM 2022 is soon to be drawing to a close. So before the month wraps up, I wanted to get one more Starfox and Krystal-related work in... So here is a follow-up to last year's little Fan Fic piece I wrote. (The Horned Smuggler) I thought that little story deserved some closure, so I went ahead and wrote something that I

  • Slippy Takes the Cake

    Slippy Takes the Cake - An LOJR Fan Fic -This Fic was inspired by Yawg's web comic (The Legend of Jenny and Krystal) and referenced by permission by Yawg -Written by me of course! ****Warning, VERY explicit adult action in this one (Because, of course there is!)**** -You have been warned.

  • Jenny Gets Taken Again and Again

    Jenny Gets Taken Again... and Again. (A Super Rule34 Adventures adult story) *In other words it's an AU story* Is it canonical? Heeeeeeeell no! Who the hell cares about that anyway? Sit back and enjoy the ride! -Stogie