what if Harry had a creature inheritance? what if James and Lily were in a three-way relationship with another person? what would this mean for Harry. come find out! good but misguided Dumbledore. major Ron bashing
nothing is as it seems. a lost love returns to guide Harry to his future. major Dumbledore bashing male x male
what if Atem wasn't strong enough to defeat Zorc. he need help. Yugi has a secret. the Adeventure is not over yet. loosely basic off the purest temple by Kuzai
what if someone was watching out for Harry after he was place with the Dursleys, what if the prophecy was fake? what if lily knew more and did something to protect her only child. what if Harry had a son and saw soul bond to Charlie. will everything work out? powerful female Harry Major Dumbledore bashing minor Ron and Molly bashing
what if Yugi had a sercet? What if Atem wasnt suppost to go into the afterlife? what if there was more to the story