
  • I'm not that girl


  • Jelsa does ABBA

    Okay so I suck at summaries but here I go. It is Annas wedding and she wants the father of her niece to be there but one problem. There are 3 possible guys. Bum bum baaa. LOOK AT BIO FOR A MESSAGE don't own anything.

  • Change The Fate's Design

    When a mute cousin of the Frog brothers goes with Micheal, Sam, and the Frogs to cave, can she do anything to stop them from killing the boys? Join her journey with them now. Marko/OC pairing. Micheal/Star. David/OC Paul/OC Dwayne/OC

  • Bella Flies!

    Who is Bella? She is not human that is for sure. Sorry suck at summaries,. LOOK AT BIO FOR A MESSAGE don't own anything