Carnivorous Moogle

  • Go Far

    And far go. (askbox anthology from tumblr)

  • Nasty, Brutish, and Short

    Nasty, brutish, and short, thinks Numbers. Take advantage of it while you can.

  • To Keep Time in a Locket

    Cut the memories down to pretty little snapshots, sealed with a pretty little tune like a pretty little kiss, and never you mind when they bleed around the edges. (Assorted SDMI drabbles, assorted pairings, original Mystery Incorporated-centric, humannunaki AU)

  • All the Myriad Ways

    and the people who take them. (askbox gift anthology from tumblr)

  • Comes the Raven

    Sing you to sleep or eat you alive, what Pericles has become will find you alone first. (Monster Cove AU, Human!Scoobicles)

  • Taking Care

    The wonderful thing about what they have between the three of them, Gregory reflects, is that they take turns taking care of one another.

  • What Else There Is to See

    "I wonder what else I haven't seen?"

  • Smiles and Silent Questions

    Mathesar would be the first to admit that human customs are a mystery to him.

  • And Watch the Thorns Turn into Stone

    He does not turn around, and he does not say i'm sorry, because she already, already knows.

  • Field Work

    For Serkova, it all started with the earthquake that destroyed Ashwood. For Veritus, it started a long time before that.

  • Like So Many Dominoes

    so we tremble, and break, and fall.