Isis and Ra

  • Bring Me Down

    One year after his graduation, Draco attempted to join the Deatheaters, only to become a slave for Voldemort. Harry's rescued him can he fix him?Slash [hpdm],[rlsb]

  • Death Bekons

    Draco is the object of Harry's affection. OOC. Slash.

  • A Single Bullet

    He's got a target and one bullet. Slash [hpdm]

  • Final Thoughts

    Remus' thoughts on Sirius.

  • Unfullfilled Wishes

    SBHP slash! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Sirius gets trialed as innocent and Harry's graduated and they learn some wishes can't be fullfilled on their own.

  • A New Aspect

    A Slytherin and Gryffinder potions class get splashed by Neville's mistake, making the injured ones' current thoughts come true, and Harry and Draco are turned into girls! The two are forced together to try and cure it.

  • Crimson Regret

    Harry finds a final release.