
  • Buttercups: redux

    But Harry knows he’s just plain broken.

  • Such Pretty Trappings

    A manipulative!intelligent!Pansy. Come in, come in, and meet her for yourself.

  • Lullabies

    Something totally different from my usual. Slightly damp fluffy mpreg starring a crying Harry and a concernedclueless Draco.

  • Sunday Morning Coming Down

    Pain in less than three hundred words.

  • Stone Filled Pockets

    The companion to Traumatophilia. Hurt and realisation and seeing there are some things better left undiscovered.

  • Knowledge and Truth

    There are plenty of questions, so what's the one right answer?

  • Vested Interests

    I've developed a habit recently of going for the really minor characters in HP they need a bigger voice. Here's my favorite girl...Millicent.

  • Traumatophilia

    Well, in spite of wonky formatting...I present my latest HP poem. Harrycentric. Angst and a different perspective.

  • Oddly Comfortable Truths

    A branch off the Black family tree...

  • Winter Colours

    something a little different to make my Tuesday interesting

  • It's All There If You Watch

    another unique perspective from the HP world. mentions of very mild m/m.

  • In A Lonely Place

    Tiny piece of Sirius/Remus schmoop. 1st person.

  • Nighttime Tendencies

    It's always a good idea to pay attention to your roommate's late night wanderings...

  • Seek, Keep, & Chase

    MWPP. James POV. Mild Pettigrew bashing.

  • Conjuring The Moon

    Only let me steer like a ship... HP/DM, angst.

  • Rhabdomancy

    Here's a little Halloween present for you all have fun!

  • Addictive Evolution

    Draco's pov/thoughts on what happened in Repetitive Motion. HP/DM.

  • A Prayer From A Different Source

    A unique perspective on The Boy Who Lived.

  • Down The Door: Icarus

    Okay, so I got bit by a new muse...HPRW heeheehee

  • To Those Oblivious

    Narcissa chimes in on what makes Draco tick. Hints of HP/DM.