
  • Zeroth Grader Disease

    You either die a hero or grow up and become middle aged.

  • To Die Like A Human

    Ilyasviel von Einzbern died with three things going for her: that she had lived her life as well as she could have, had hammered some important lessons about prioritizing the right people into her little-big brother's head, and was going to the afterlife with another little-big brother. Well, there were worse ways to go.

  • All Consuming Friendship

    "You are what you eat," Yuuno felt a shiver run down his spine as Nanoha served herself. The remaining eye-stalk of a crustacean-like beast glared at the boy with a vague accusatory air. "Have some Envenomed Pierce. Maybe you'll stop looking so yummy if you stop being bite-sized." Nanoha's stomach grumbled on cue; Yuuno's heart quavered in mortal fear for the third time that day.

  • Saturday Morning Grail War

    Because if good emerged victorious and evil were decisively vanquished, the plot wouldn't continue onwards into a new season.

  • Dazzling! A Forgotten Jade Shines Anew!

    Whether she knew it or not, Hisui had a place in the world. Even if it were the last thing he did, Shiki would make certain that she found it.

  • Fuyuki Nekketsu Monogatari

    To think, this started as a love story. I'm told that hate and love are two sides of the same coin, so this is alright too. A hot blooded story begins.