Blaze Productions

  • Poké Rangers Relic Hunters

    In the last segment of the Poké Rangers Hoenn saga, Team Aqua and Team Magma search for relics that will help them complete the Crown of Weather, a crown that could revive the three Legendary Pokémon. A former ranger recruits the Mystic Force Rangers to search for the jewels and save the crown before Maxie and Archie revive Groudon and Kyogre to destroy the planet. Chapter 19 up!

  • It's Morphin' Time

    What would happen if you were not also in school, or working but also had a greater responsibility? Well, what if five new rangers took the place of the original Power Rangers from the very beginning? However, on a different route. Well, now is your chance to find out! Read and Review! Chapter 24 is up... 9 years later!

  • Poké Rangers Dino Thunder

    MMPR Season 10: Ex-Poké Ranger Daniel Dragonfly seeks for his long time teacher, Salvador Santorus, who knew a lot about the prehistoric fossils. He manages to find three fossils from Pre-Earth, another dimension of Earth. The Dinvolien Empire emerges from Pre-Earth to take the fossils. However, three trainers manage to harness the power and become the Poké Rangers. Chapter 24 up!