

  • Freedom

    A short oneshot on Bane's possible thoughts/POV when he helped Talia climb from The Pit, after the injuries he sustained and when he himself finally found freedom.

  • Forgive Me, Girl

    A short oneshot set after the events of Watchmen. Adrian is in Karnak and with his utopia seemingly running smoothly, is there truly any lingering guilt that he has left? If he truly made himself feel every death, there is one that he perhaps feels the most. One that will always haunt him. (can be comicverse, but considered to lean heavy to movieverse)

  • A Kiss Can Be Even Deadlier If You Mean It

    Just a short oneshot written one snowy night to write out Bruce's thoughts, feelings and memories that come with winter and when he remembers the time he spent with Selina Kyle. (Very short. Implied BatCat and based off of the events of Batman Returns. Set after the events in said timeline.)

  • The Bottle That Cuts The Deepest

    A short oneshot detailing how a young Joker (then Jack Napier) received the scar that runs along his bottom lip. (Warnings for abuse, violence, language etc.)