
  • Sinful Injustice

    Stan Samil and Nat McAllister are detectives belonging to New York City's 6th precinct. Recently they are sent to investigate a string of murders that have encroached upon their side of the beat. Will they be able to discover who's behind the murders, or will they be thrown off by an unlikely source. Rated T for the time being, will possible change ranking to M later.

  • Fifty Shades of Shut the Fuck Up It's Red

    Natalie McAllister is a normal teen girl who one night is greeted and bound to Satan himself. Everything goes as well as you can hope, but what happens to the pair as there's more to the situation than meets the eye? Rated T for right now, will be re-rated later as time passes.

  • Please, Trust Me - A One Shot

    Gabriel was the only angel to care when Lucifer fell, losing not only Anthea, but a brother that he loved as well. What happens when Lucifer stops by Gabriel's work? Will Gabe be able to express how he feels, or will Lucifer be so caught up in the past that he's unable to stay and hear what Gabe has to say? ((I'm bad at Summaries. Please R&R!))