
  • Drowning

    Harry's searching for a solution to the 2nd task for the Triwizard Cup. He ponders. And then he comes upon a strange book titled Rising in Water. How does it affect him? Another Emily Dickinson based oneshot.

  • Immortality

    Follow our very own Tom on his quest for what he wants the most in the world. Immortality. Based off a poem by Emily Dickinson.

  • Pools of Grief

    It is said that the eyes are the window to your soul. Then why do Harry's show pain and grief? A story of Snape's ponderings. Based off yet another Emily Dickinson poem.

  • The Snake Pit

    Snake Pit. That’s what they call the Slytherin Dorms. And yes I am one of those snakes. The prince of them actually. A little drabble. a teeny bit HGDM.

  • A Kiss

    A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. That’s basic spelling that every woman ought to know." Draco and Hermione have been together for 3 months, but still haven't kissed. What happens when Parvati and Lavender get involved? DMHG

  • Arrogance and Amazingness

    “Aww. Don’t be mean. I’m not arrogant. I’m just-“ Draco began, in an effort to defend his honor. “Haughty? Conceited? Big-headed?” Hermione asked, cutting him off. DMHG drabble. Based off my story ABCDMHG.

  • Books and Boredom

    The occasional sound of Hermione turning the page of her book was the only sound as they sat there in silence. Hermione, reading her books and Draco, being bored. DMHG drabble. Based off my story ABCDMHG.

  • Fashionable

    “Well I don’t care about being fashionable!” Hermione cried angrily.“Well, I do!” Draco yelled back, with just as much vigor. DMHG drabble. Based off of my story ABCDMHG.

  • My Grown Up Christmas Wish

    I took a deep breath, trying to calm down the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. “I’m going to sing Grown Up Christmas Wish by Amy Grant. This is dedicated to Harry." I said, staring deep into Harry’s eyes. He sent me a defiant stare in return.

  • The Legacy of Harry Potter

    For years, Harry Potter has lived in muggle America working as a school teacher. But what happens when two students, suddenly begin to suspect his true identity as a wizard. Can he keep his secret intact?

  • I Had Faith

    The woman’s numb fingers traced over the rough, scraggly letters engraved to the tree. DM HG 4EVR! Her mouth formed the letters, but no sound escaped her mouth. She gave a choked sob. There, the woman fell on her knees. DMHG

  • Draco the Pureblood Dragon

    My favorite christmas carol Harry-Potterized. Or should I say, Draco-Malfoyized. My favorite Christmas carol, being Roudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Draco-centric

  • Here Comes Harry Potter

    My second favorite christmas carol Harry-Potterized. My second favorite Christmas carol, being Here Comes Santa Claus.

  • Hermione the Bookworm

    My third favorite christmas carol Harry-Potterized. Or should I say, Hermione Grangerized. My third favorite Christmas carol, being Frosty the Snowman. Hermione-centric

  • Deck the Halls with Wands and Cauldrons

    Everyone has heard the song 'Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly' but has anyone heard the Harry Potter version? Deck the Halls with Wands and Cauldrons. Of course they haven't because this is the first and only original copy of it!

  • Jolly Old Professor Dumbledore

    Jolly old Professor Dumbledore lean your ear this way. Don't you tell a single soul what I'm going to say." What does Cedric want to say that is so secretive? Based off of "Jolly Old Saint Nicolas."

  • The 12 Days of Christmas

    On the first day of Christmas,my true love gave to me: A cauldron in a pear tree.

  • Jingle Bells

    Harry and his friends are coming back to Hogwarts the Jingle Bells way. You don't understand what I mean? Well then just open up and read. You'll love it. I promise.

  • Christmas at the Burrow

    What is the true meaning of Christmas? Everyone says that it is spending time with your family. But what if you are Harry Potter and your reatives are magic hating muggles? Then spend you Christmas with the Weasleys. Slight HPGW

  • Wish Lists

    The Harry Potter characters have each sent their owls to Santa with their wishlists. My faithful minions and I have intercepted these lists and posted them for all to see! Enjoy! -evil laugh-