
  • Even In Death

    She was the sole survivor of the last stand against the end of the world. A broken Kimberly must cope with unfathomable loss, turning her into a hardened shell of the woman she used to be. Years later, a familiar threat comes back to claim another planet - A Mirror Dimension of Earth, where she must come face to face with her painful past. CHARACTER DEATH

  • My Girl

    Tommy and Kim are married. They welcome their first daughter. Adventure, love, and possible heartache. T/K AU

  • By His Side

    One-Shot - Tommy isn't dealing well with Kim's departure to Florida. Her recent odd behavior towards him has him beside himself. A change of heart and surprise visit could change the course of their story. A prequel of sorts to a future story. T/K

  • Bound to You

    Kimberly has been gone for nearly a decade, lost to those she had once called family. Four former rangers head out for a night of fun when a mysterious woman catches their eye. T/K Rated M.