

  • Green Arrow x Supergirl: Love is Blind

    They made love, they got married, they had kids, and now Oliver and Mia must embrace Supergirl's darkest secret. What has she been hiding from all of them? Is she doing it for her family or for her own reasons? Supergirl x Green Arrow!

  • Lost Hope

    After Xana died, the heroes encounter a monster far more powerful than Xana and the other enemies they've faced in the past. How will they survive against this threat?

  • Code Lyoko: Rise of XANA

    XANA was finally free after centuries of being sealed away. Lyoko suffers XANA's wrath. Return of XANA has convinced Ulrich to form a new order called the Lyoko Warriors that will fight XANA's forces and end his reign of terror. During the war, Ulrich discovers a strange orb that's been following him around for years. Is it a friend or a foe?

  • Code Lyoko: Fallen to the Darkness

    The aner, the hate, flows through the young boy as he had lost the trust and friendship of his closest friends & allies, abandoned by his family, and regarded the worst in Kadic Academy. What's worse for the Lyoko Warriors is XANA offers the boy power as he had already seen the potential the boy had in him? Will he accept the Dark Side?

  • Bruce Wayne: The Chosen One

    At a young age, Bruce Wayne witnessed his parents' death leaving him traumatized for the rest of his life, but it did not turn him into a scared child as he uses pain and trauma he sustained into a burning fuel for lifelong obsession, to become the Chosen one who will bring peace and justice to the entire Multiverse. But will the Dark Side consume him, or will he overcome it?

  • Bruce Wayne

    At a young age, Bruce Wayne witnessed his parents' death leaving him traumatized for the rest of his life, but it did not turn him into a scared child as he uses pain and trauma he sustained into a burning fuel for lifelong obsession, to become the Chosen one who will bring peace and justice to the entire Multiverse. But will the Dark Side consume him, or will he overcome it?

  • Ben 10: Sibling Bonding

    Ben has a sister that came to Bellwood. Not everyone knows about Ben's older sister. How will Gwen, Rook, and Kevin react to this the fact Ben has an older sister? There are some secrets kept between Ben's sister and his grandfather, what are they hiding?

  • Batman: Fortress

    When an unknown ship enters the planet's atmosphere, disrupting global power and communications and plunging the planet into chaos, the world is left wondering where is the Justice League when they are the needed most? In the mysterious absence of the Justice League, Batman must work with his daughters to counter the threat before panic spreads faster than hope.

  • Ulrich and Aelita: Siblings United

    Ulrich and Aelita, siblings, who have sought to go into hiding from the Empire have been called by Supergirl and her children, the last of fewer resistances hunted by the Empire. With an offer to join Supergirl's resistance, will Ulrich and Aelita decline, or take part in the war against the Empire?

  • Siblings United

    Ulrich and Aelita, siblings, who have sought to go into hiding from the Empire have been called by Supergirl and her children, the last of fewer resistances hunted by the Empire. With an offer to join Supergirl's resistance, will Ulrich and Aelita decline, or take part in the war against the Empire?

  • Justice League: The Future Crisis in Two Earths

    With Oliver and Kara finally disclosing their secret to their friends, the pair are forced to deal with everyone's reaction. While the pair are forced to deal with the consequences of keeping it secret, Oliver and Kara are forced with facing another crisis that is this time happening in the future of where they realise a familiar enemy appears to still be alive and made new allies.

  • Justice League: The Last Laugh

    The Joker's latest scheme spreads chaos over the entire world, forcing the entire Justice League and US President Luthor to take account of this crisis. Meanwhile, Bruce is forced to deal with what the Joker's latest gift bestowed upon him. How will the Justice League, Lex Luthor and Batman resolve this dilemma?

  • Superman: Redemption

    With Darkseid's brainwash on Superman leaving him suffering the people who curse his name, Superman is forced to put his focus on trying to regain the trust of the human race. While threats from the deeper darkness arise to cripple Superman, and intend to destroy the ones he loves.