There is Tea in the Sea

  • The Other Man

    He didn't mean for it to happen. Requested Fic.

  • Just Sex(ting)

    It started out as a joke... until it wasn't any longer.

  • Deception

    Due to a spell gone wrong (damn it, America!), Russia is turned female. Russia decides to use his new appearance to his advantage and draw America into a trap to thoroughly destroy him. The only problem? Russia did the one thing he never thought he'd do again. He fell in love with America.

  • Anya Meets Gilbert

    Alfred brings Alaska (Anya) along to the World Meeting. As they wait for her babysitter, Prussia, Romano and Germany show up. Anya develops a little innocent crush on a certain Prussian. 'She was looking up at Gilbert, eyes wide with shock. Anya turned to Alfred, cheeks rosy. "Alfred, he's so pretty!"'

  • During Lunch

    "Suck me." Gilbert begged, brushing the back of his fingers against Romano's cheek. Romano froze, eyes widening in shock. They didn't do that. They had decided early on that there was too much of a difference in their power dynamics to make it a comfortable act between the two of them.

  • Deceit

    Russia is turned female thanks to a mistake in one of England's curses. He uses the change to get revenge on America. America knows that the woman with him is Russia in female form. Russia thinks he's pulling one over on America, and feels bad, but not bad enough to not sleep with him while in female form. America accidentally reveals that he knows. Scene from 'Deception'