
  • Sirius - Black As She's Painted?

    Sirius Auriga has always been praised for being strong-willed and fierce, as daughters of the House of Black should be. Her mother still despairs at her rebelliousness, her inability to make friends with other pureblood children, and how her eyes don't hate when she looks upon a muggle... yet they do when her favourite cousin is disowned, hate directed at her own family.

  • How The Storm Queen Laughed

    Female Robert Baratheon. "Did someone hurt you?" Ned asked, unnerved to see his dauntless, hot-tempered friend tearful for once. "N-no," Robarra wiped away a tear, clearly embarrassed to cry. "I just made a stupid mistake and gods, everyone's going to be so angry - I'm meant to marry the prince! It seemed like a good idea at the time. Just a bit of fun,"

  • Lady of Nightmares

    If Rhysand's mother Aithusa and younger sister Rhiannon survived the attack by the Spring Court and were at his side along with the Inner Circle for the coming centuries. Featuring a backstory on the relationship between Rhys' parents, young Rhys, Cassian and Azriel getting up to various shenanigans, as well as some Court of Nightmares fix-it. Azriel x Rhiannon.

  • A Lioness Still Has Claws

    Female Tywin Lannister. "Why did you have to do this, Tya?" Her father moaned. "Return Lord Walderan to his family at once, with our sincerest apologies! Forgiving all his debts should be the least we do to make amends," The look Tya gave Lord Tytos at that was fit to reduce him to a pile of ash. "I was planning on returning Tarbeck to his family in three pieces,"

  • An Honest Woman

    Female Jaime Lannister (married to Stannis). Male Cersei and Brienne. "To Aerys Targaryen, the Second of His Name. And to the blade that opened his throat. It was a sword, you know. People believe that I stabbed him in the back with a dagger having weaselled my way in his bed," She gave a harsh laugh. "He'd likely have preferred it that way, and called me Joanna all the while,"

  • Tam Lin

    Jude gets drunk at a revel - Cardan is delighted. Based on the Scottish folk song Tam Lin. "My sweet nemesis," Arms closed around her waist from behind. "I was considering coming to your rescue, before that dull little creature bored you to death. Alas, I realised then that it was only fair you get to experience how I feel when you start droning on about matters of state,"

  • The Long Winter

    A second Stark sister, cold and sharp, betrothed to Roose Bolton but a hostage of Aerys' in the rebellion. A second Lannister sister, her father's favourite but sweet and naive, as different from her family as can be. Both are disgraced by birthing a bastard before marriage, one with a lion's green eyes, the other with jet black hair. The effects of these new players on Westeros.