
  • Harry Potter and The Rise of Christianity

    Spiritual-Time-Travel-AU. A young Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald, and Emily Riddle travel back to 1976. They might just find more than they bargained for. Meanwhile, The Wizarding World might just be flipped upside down with the Word of God. Then again, the world's already upside down. So, all they can really do is flip it right side up.

  • Harry Potter and The Rise of Christianity

    Spiritual-Time-Travel-AU. The Ardour of The Way, made up of Harry Potter, 16-year-old Albus Dumbledore, and whoever Walter von Bismarck is, travel back to 1976 each for their own reasons. Harry must prevent a grim future, Albus must stop himself, and Walter must thwart Britannia and the Soviet Union, yet these blood-brothers are united in one common goal: The Rise of Christianity.