
  • The Pokémon Hero

    What should have been a quick investigation into Ultra Space has ended up stranding Pokémon World Champion Alec Kirkland in a new dimension, with no way of returning to his own. Now in a world where the streets are something out of a comic book and 80% of the population possesses some super-human ability, with it adapt to Alec and his Pokémon, or will it all fall apart?

  • The Storm Prince of Equestria

    Orpheus Boran was always in outcast and was always considered odd. But now he found out the reason and learns he's from another world. With his mother's sacrifice, Orpheus, or Night Storm, is now returning home. What challenges await him he doesn't know, but one thing is for sure. There will be no running from what's to come. [Temporary HIATUS]