
  • Anthropomorphic

    An·thro·po·mor·phic /ˌanTHrəpəˈmôrfik/ Adjective: the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. All yours, big guy.

  • A Charmed Life

    A Legally Blonde AU in which Logan is Elle and the "bend and snap" becomes the "lean and smirk". Whoever said pink was the new orange was seriously disturbed. ((It's not quite as ridiculous as it sounds, promise!)) Elements from both the movie and the musical. Complete and posting weekly (or as fast as my betas can beta)!

  • I'm HereI'm Your Family

    "Tragedy blows through your life like a tornado, uprooting everything, creating chaos..." Tragedy strikes when Keith is murdered by the E-String Strangler. While Veronica crawls through the rubble of grief, Logan is there to help her rebuild. A LoVe story in two parts. I just realized I never uploaded Part 2 (Logan POV), so I'm reposting the whole thing at once!