
  • In The Palm Of Her Hand

    Oneshot, and a sort of companion piece to Little Omega. Deadlander Omega befriends a roach.

  • The Runaway Bully

    Sequel to Little Dunce. After his death at the hands of The Teacher, dunce finds himself miraculously alive again when the Corruption is finally lifted. Normal human adults are determined to rid the world of all remaining monsters so they'll never hurt children again. With the help of a cynical ghost, the Bully must learn to survive in a world where he is now the one being hunted.

  • Little Dunce

    Shadow Sisters spinoff set during the second chapter of LN2. No cruel parents to blame, don't secretly crave your friendship, will get you if you don't get them first... so why couldn't they bring themselves to kill him? Were the past events making them crazy, or could it be possible that they related to his predicament?

  • Mugman Makes A New Friend

    After the events of Handle With Care, Mugman runs into Bowlboy again and, feeling bad for snapping at him, decides to apologize.

  • We'll Never Forget

    Sequel to None Of The Above. So, we did it. Taker and I managed to stop Spooky, and all the ghosts and specimens are pretty much free. Except something is stopping her from moving to the afterlife, and we don't know what it is. Fortunately Taker has found a lead, and you know what that means! Creepy abandoned hospitals, mysterious backstories, and a new friend! Oh boy!

  • Vent Buddies 2: Two Impostors Among Us

    Red and Yellow are now best friends forever, but the rest of the crew still isn't sure if the impostor can really be trusted, and White doesn't know how he will explain this to MIRA. Meanwhile a seventh member joins the crew, reminding Red of everything they want to forget. There's a second impostor on The Skeld.

  • They Deserve Each Other

    A To The Dragon Cave crackfic! The Insane Warlock may be mad, but even he understands the whole true loves kiss breaks the spell thing. So, instead of killing Prince Harold when he regains his form, he—well you've read the tags, I think you know what happens in this fic.

  • Heartrune

    The Heartrune AU is a Deltarune AU in which the player/Kris' soul realizes that they are controlling more than just a vessel, and explains this to Kris before any resentment can be formed. Together, they agree to figure out who discarded Heart's (the player's) vessel and why in order to set them both free. Female!Kris and friendship between Kris and her soul.

  • Little Omega

    After The Wasp King is defeated and Bugaria is at peace, Team Snakemouth are bored to tears and make the frankly terrible decision to explore the Deadlands. There, a mishap with a shrinking potion causes them to bring a very unlikely tagalong back with them, who isn't at all like she first appeared.

  • MonikaBuddy

    Monika has an unexpected encounter while in search of the player's whereabouts, and gains a new appreciation for her reality.

  • Bonds Of The Elements Through Time

    Expanded Shadow Sisters AU. As the trio's journey nears its end, so too does the time loop, and possibly The Corruption itself. This sheds light on many details previously unknown, forcing Triple to confront her past mistakes more directly than ever before. Everyone old and new's boundaries are being stretched, but they could get a new family out of it, so maybe it's worth it?

  • The Slash Isn't silent

    Sorry, Y/N doesn't want to do a '/reader' fic today. For Aromantic Awareness Week 2022.

  • It Works For Us, It Just Does

    Written for Aromantic awareness week 2022! A disastrous holocall outs Yellow to her vent buddy (and the rest of the crew) in the worst possible way. Red has the urge to kill someone for the first time, and they would be concerned about that, except they've got a distraught human to comfort, and a lot to learn. About Yellow, but also themself. QPR

  • As Your Friend

    When Noelle gets the courage to confess her feelings to Susie, the results are unexpected for both girls. But it's okay, and they can still learn to live with them. Slightly AU oneshot featuring Aromantic!Susie and Supportive!noelle

  • Vent Buddies

    Red is a new impostor sent on their very first mission in hopes of bringing glory to their people. But when they encounter an eccentric crewmate with an ability that she's not supposed to have, will they proceed as planned or will an unlikely friendship be forged? Eventual Good!Impostor!Red and Crewmate & iMpostor friendship.

  • Santa Claus Is Sus

    Red learns about the holidays and celebrates their first Christmas with Yellow.

  • Cuddle Parties At Hogwarts

    AU third year. No slash. To promote house unity and stop bullying and prejudice among the students, a professional cuddlist is invited to Hogwarts. What sorts of unlikely and amazing things will happen due to the power they know not, oxytocin?