

  • Gravity

    "What comes up must come down," or so the saying goes. His life was going well until suddenly, it wasn't. When he is sent to a familiar yet foreign world, will he rise to the opportunity given to him? Or will he stumble and fall, leading to further disasters? A Male Self-Insert Fic with no system.

  • Perseverance

    When my senses came to, I realized that I was no longer in my adult body or bedroom. Instead, I was in the body of a seven year old kid that lived in Konoha, right before the outbreak of the Second Shinobi War. With no way back home, I decided that I was going to preserve and survive, even if it meant changing the future (OC Self Insert, Pairings will be revealed later).

  • I'm a What?

    Imagine, you're on track to graduate college and finally pursue that history teaching job that you always wanted. But God, magic, or something decides that throwing you into the Harry Potter world as Harry Potter himself is a completely sensible and sane thing to do. Unfortunately for Darren, that ludicrous plot became his reality (begins before Harry gets his Hogwarts letter).

  • A Yankee Wizard in a British Court

    Harry Potter was sent to the Dursleys by Dumbledore after the death of Harry's parents. Dumbledore firmly believed that Harry be with the Dursleys until he was ready for the wizarding world. However, another group of wizards was looking for Harry Potter: American wizards that wanted Harry to become the heir to the Potter family in America...