
  • Three Snakes Tangled Up

    The Les Enfant Terribles. Fate has always brought them one way or another, always in a battle of life or death. But this time, this adventure may not seem so bad for them. In a completely new world, with no friends or any familiar people , in a region called Alola! yeah, everyone better start praying for everyone in Alola.

  • Outlander Snow And Land: Platinum Nuzlocke

    The Nuzlocke Challenge is a regional famous challenge that most Gijinkas are expected to take. It's dangerous, but fulfilling at the end. But if a human takes part in it? But humans don't exist here, so why would there be a human doing it? Ask that question to a human, called Cyrus Bortnik, leader of Team Galactic.

  • Vision Mischief And Chaos : In Another World

    "A Vision is a gift bestowed upon mortals whom the Gods recognize. They grant the user elemental abilities based on the element of their given Vision. It is said that those with Visions have a chance of ascending to Celestia and attaining godhood themselves."