Canis Lupus aka Minnie

  • The Prophecy of Four: HP & Golden Ring of Siador

    Here lies the stories of four children who have been chosen to sacrifice themselves for the sake of good. The question is: Can evil be defeated...Forever?

  • Afraid to Love: A Life Reborn

    *Revised* The first part of my Minerva/Remus series. Minerva learns the one weakness that Voldemort has that somewhere, although very distant, she possesses within her heart. Please r/r with your comments or sugestions! Joyeuse Fete du Saint-Valentin!

  • A Day to Remember Always

    Minerva is remembering Halloween fourteen years ago. A slight romance between Minerva and Remus. I'd love if you 'd read and review please!!! And HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!!!!