
  • Midnight Dunes

    Jotaro can't sleep, worry and paranoia consume him. Kakyoin decides to keep him company.

  • Those Hazy Days of Summer

    Ghiaccio decides to take Melone on one of his most cherished childhood past-times, strawberry picking. There's never a better time to ask the most important question.

  • A Night in Florence

    Ezio contemplates his feelings towards his closest friend in the chaos of seeking revenge for his family.

  • Anger Management

    Bucciarati has decided to put Fugo in Anger Management after stabbing Narancia with a fork. At his first session, he's surprised to find Ghiaccio has also been forced to attend. Ghiaccio x Melone Sorbet x Gelato Risotto x Prosciutto Mista x Giorno