

  • The Inter-club Competition

    It's time for the annual inter-club competition and everyone is paying attention to the academic decathlon team, not because they won the national title but because everyone was aware that the decathlon team… Didn't really have any other talent? At least, that's what they thought. Enter Eugene Thompson and Peter Parker. Rivals. Frenemies. and... dancing with the stars enthusiasts.

  • Go, little Rockstar

    Tony Stark had only ever wanted for Peter to be safe. or: Tony Stark and Peter Parker's relationship through the years with bonus Ironfamily

  • Peter has a weird neighbor

    What if: Peter Parker meets Shuri before meeting Tony Stark aka: Childhood friends Peter and Shuri AU

  • Peter has a gun

    Sometimes, when the days get really bad; when the insults get too close for comfort; when he still sees a shadow of red on his hands, he'd go out to the range and just shoot, shoot and shoot. Every time, when Peter would arrive, the people, staff or regulars, at the range would get ready to see a show. Peter Parker, nephew of the late Ben Parker, never, never ever, missed a shot.

  • Done

    Reaching out to shake Mr. Beck's hand, Peter's spider senses suddenly go haywire. Wincing, Peter numbly shakes his head and tunes out the conversation. Why were his senses going off? There were no threats here! He literally walked into SHIELD's base and shook Beck's han- Beck. They went off when he touched Beck. Something isn't right here. Or: Peter goes off at Beck and Fury