
  • A Winter at Freddy's

    AU. Sequel to "A Fun Weekend at Freddy's". BRIAR is gone. The consequences of its actions remain. As the sole survivor tells them, it unleashed something terrible that desperately wants to escape. Mike, Foxy and their friends aren't the best or brightest, but they're the only ones who might be able to stop Auric's most dangerous creation before time runs out. Mike X Fem!Foxy

  • Carnage vs Marvel Zombies

    It began with a flash in the sky and a ripple through the clouds, which brought a hunger strong enough to kill the world. It ended the way any great story did, with the hero standing against his foe. Briefly occurred to Cletus that he acted out this story before with the person opposite him. Only now, Carnage played the protagonist. His opponent was no longer a man, but a monster.

  • Carnage in Space

    It's been a rough few months for Cletus. First, he gets taken into space by knock-off Superman, then he gets ripped in half, and now he's just really, really bored at being stuck in orbit. At least he's not alone; if he was, he'd go completely mad!

  • Dead Space: Ascetic

    AU. Sequel to "Dead Space: Ordination". Curtis and Nicole are living on borrowed time. Everyone from EarthGov to Unitology to eldritch terrors from distant stars wants a piece of them; they'd prefer to remain intact. To make it to the next disaster, they'll need to rely on old friends and new allies, as well as each other, as they survive a new world together. OC X Stalker!Nicole