
  • Chuck vs His Life

    What if Chuck’s life spiralled much further before Season 1? How will it change everything?

  • Unseen Guardian: Diana's Brother

    Set in S1 YJ, Percy is now a part of Earth-17, an almost Earth-16 like reality but someone's messing with it and Percy must stop them. Yet, Percy yearns for love and a family while this adventure occurs in this alien Universe. (Rewritten from original story) (Chronologically Book 2.)

  • In Constant Pursuit

    A slightly tweaked take on our titular hero

  • Unseen Guardian

    When a former Greek hero falls into a unique universe, he begins his new adventure. However, his past, the travel through the portal and the unique properties of this world have given him access to incredible power. Journey with him across time, space, love, heartbreak and happiness.

  • Falling in love again

    After being beached, the return of two parts to a whole. My take on what could have happened after nevr's Beached, one-shot.