
  • Dwa Białe Orły (Original Language Version)

    Dwie Polski, obie będące swoistymi supermocarstwami w swoich światach, ale będące dla siebie jak krzywe zwierciadło, zostają nagle wyrwane ze swoich światów do Arkadii. Nowy Świat, jak nazywają go Japończycy. Czy Japonia przetrwa zderzenie tych dwóch gigantów? Czy też obie potęgi podzielą świat między siebie? I co ma z tym wszystkim wspólnego Hardy?

  • Greetings Comrades in Japan (for separate tag, possible corrections)

    The Japanese relocated to the New World are joined by another country with a tradition of friendship towards it. Only there is one problem this country came from the Cold War on the red side of the Iron Curtain.

  • Greetings Comrades in Japan

    The Japanese relocated to the New World are joined by another country with a tradition of friendship towards it. Only there is one problem this country came from the Cold War on the red side of the Iron Curtain.

  • Two White Eagles

    Two Poland's, both being peculiar superpowers in their respective worlds but being like a kind of distorting mirror to each other are suddenly torn out of their worlds into Arcadia. The New World as the Japanese call it. Will Japan survive the collision of these two giants? Or will the two powers divide world between themselves? And what does Hardy have to do with all this?