Sky Astor

  • Melting Hearts

    Whouffaldi! Fluff... Twelve and Clara have escaped death and are back safe and sound in the TARDIS. It doesn't take long and Clara realises there's something wrong with the Doctor...

  • Swear Words and Coffee

    POV - first person. Malcolm x Reader. Malcolm Tucker's assistant is deeply in love with him, but he doesn't know it. Will she tell him? (*My first ever fic*)

  • Clara, my Clara

    On Valentine's Day, the Doctor wrote a poem for Clara... Whouffaldi.

  • Keep Her Close

    Someone has written a poem for the Doctor. Who was it? A bit of Whouffaldi. Fluff and angst.

  • A Second Chance

    The final scene of Last Christmas with a little improvement... Clara accepts to travel with the Doctor to the stars once again. There's one thing she'd like to do before they fly off - kiss him. Knowing how he reacts to things like this, she asks him about it first. What is the Doctor going to say to that? Whouffaldi. Fluff. One shot.