

  • Christmas at uncle's Budd

    The time of Christmas is coming,but for the Curtis brothers it mean the first since their parents's death and the loss of Johnny and Dallas . The holidays look very sad . But Darry has an idea who could change many things for his brothers and him .

  • Suivre le chemin

    Douze ans après les événements du livre . Le gang a grandi . Chacun suit sa propre voie,bonne ou cabossée . Il s'agit de leur vie maintenant . (C'est la version française,la version anglaise est intitulé Follow the Way) .

  • Follow the way

    Twelve years after the events of the book . The gang grew up . They are now adult . They followed many way,good or battered . It is their life now .

  • Son plus beau cadeau de Noël

    Soda a treize ans. Il devrait profiter de sas vacances de Noël,mais il ne peut pas . Pourquoi ? Je sais,cette histoire arrive un peu en retard,mais je l'ai commencé pendant mes propres vacances de Noël . Profitez-en quand même . Et s'il vous plaît donner-moi votre avis .

  • His best Christmas gift

    Soda is thirteen . He had to think only enjoy of his Christmas Holidays . But he can't . Why ? I know,it's a story a little in late,but I started it during my own Christmas Holidays . Enjoy all the same ! It woulb be in just two shots . Please,say me what you thought .


    Mon idée au sujet du passé des parents Curtis,de leur rencontre et du passé de Mr Curtis en tant que soldat durant la deuxième guerre mondiale après le débarquement de Normandie . Il s'agit de la version française . La version anglaise est intitulé In Memory of You .

  • In memory of you

    My idea about the past of the Curtis parents,their first meet, and Mr Curtis's past as a soldier in the second world war after the Normandy landing . It's tell through his memories . The first chapter is as a prologue ! My summary isn't very well,so read please ! And if you wish,give your review !