
  • Best Friends Forever

    A little SS/LE drabble in honour of Valentine's Day.

  • The Connoisseur

    Snape, as a half-blood, knows how to relax the Muggle way.

  • Quantum Thingummies

    What happens when the worlds of both Rowling and Pratchett go Quantum? Can the Librarians save the multi-verse before Snape and Vetinari are inextricably intertwined?

  • Tenacity's Reward

    Do you want a Marauder's era fic where Sev gets a bit of his own back? Then this is the one to read!

  • Return to Hogwarts

    This grew out of a pensive mood, and to commemorate the birthday of the Potions Master. It's a few days late, but I hope you will forgive me.

  • End of the Matter

    Voldemort had an eighth Horcrux which nobody suspected. So is it really the end?

  • The Last Horcrux

    Does the war end just because Voldemort is dead?

  • To Touch You Again

    Hermione's favourite place in the world is the library at Hogwarts

  • O is for Outstanding

    Lucky Hermione, she gets an Outstanding!

  • The Best and Worst of Times

    Did you ever wonder how Severus felt about Dumbledore's actions? Who does he discuss his feelings with?

  • Read the Fine Print

    This grew out of a discussion at Snapedom: How would Lily and Severus's friendship have changed if Sev was a girl? Would James and Sirius have acted any differently? Here's my take on it!

  • Bonfire Night

    This is a hundred word drabble about pre-teen Severus.

  • Flying

    Did you ever wonder how Voldemort learnt to fly? Here is my take on it! Another unabashed SS LE fanfic!

  • On His Mind

    Draco is feeling conflicted!

  • Like A Dance

    For the Snarry lovers out there this one's for you! AU since DH, of course.

  • Work In Progress

    Despite the title, this is a completed fic. AU since the publication of Deathly Hallows. Severus has an unwelcome guest.

  • Nocturnal 'missions

    Slughorn is such an obliging chap. He'll help a colleague in need, so long as he can turn a tidy profit.

  • One of a Kind

    The Sorting Hat has a problem. Which House does this new student fit into?

  • Animagus

    Set in the month before the beginning of OotP, when the Order were keeping an eye on Harry at the Dursley's. The Potions master is taking his turn at being guardian and it's onerous. Drabble.

  • Happy Accident

    The Headmaster has a longstanding problem. Set during the Marauder era at Hogwarts.