
  • The Tribute

    This is how, in my opinion, Deathly Hallows should have ended!

  • Memories of Auburn Hair

    Severus is not prepared to let it go, not yet.

  • Back to Basics

    Hermione runs into her past when out shopping in Muggle London. How is Severus Snape still alive, after she saw him die in the Final Battle?

  • Lily's Favourite

    Severus has had a very bad day. The last thing he needs now is memories from the past.

  • Sound of the Rain

    This was written one month before release of Deathly Hallows. As such, it is AU now. But I still like the story very much, as it's my secondfavourite ship after SeverusLily. Sigh, a girl can dream ... Read if you're a fan of SSHG!

  • A Patronus Named Tobias

    This is AU since the release of Deathly Hallows, but I still like it. It looks at Severus's relationship with his father, who is not as nasty and uncaring a father as JKR painted him.

  • Inside, Outside, Hidden Away

    An AU story. Severus was truly on the Death Eater's side, but he had a little secret that he kept from his master. For he'd fallen in love with one of Voldemort's most hated enemies.

  • Reincantation

    Could Harry Potter and Severus Snape ever be friends? Never in a hundred million years. AU since Deathly Hallows.

  • Sincerest Flattery

    Who cast the first Patronus? Marauder Era, a LilySeverusJames love triangle.

  • Usual Suspects

    Slughorn helps Snape with a small problem. Set during HalfBlood Prince.

  • Party Pooper

    A quick AU about the end of the war. Strictly for the Snarryfen out there. And definitely a happy ending, complete with fireworks!

  • The Hidden Mark

    I wrote this story back in February 2006, after reading HalfBlood Prince. I still like it, even though it's AU now. This is for the GinnyTom shippers out there!

  • Just Like

    Ever wonder what Snape would have been like to live with, if he and Lily had survived? Keeping in mind that abused children often grow into abusers?

  • Anything But That!

    Padfoot's habits are becoming offensive. James and Remus decide to remedy the situation.

  • Whose Side Are You On?

    Hermione can feel nothing but hatred towards the one who helped to turn her into a slave. So why does she feel so conflicted?

  • Owing Her

    It is nineteen years later. But is all well?

  • Still A Prince

    What if the hook-nosed man in Snape's memory was not Tobias, but another relative?

  • Damn It, Potter

    This, IMHO, is how Deathly Hallows *should* have ended!

  • Sanguini's Muse

    Gate-crash Slughorn's Christmas Party and meet the vampire Sanguini! What's going through his mind at this time?

  • Birthday Similarities

    Who didn't feel sympathy for poor Harry when he had to celebrate his eleventh birthday all alone? A similar situation occurred for another little boy.