
  • And These Three Remain

    A series of short stories of faith, hope, and love. 1) hope

  • Mesh and Blood

    With Cybertron finally beginning to rebuild they must once again establish their presence throughout the inhabited systems. No mech expected this to be easy and many in the budding government calculated on using the members of Unit-E as ambassadors to the more bitter worlds, thinking that the humans would be good intermediaries. They had no idea how right, and wrong, they were.

  • The Best Revenge

    Ven Ghan is the last of his race, a survivor of the brutal genocide of Kaduonn by Mega-Metal Elementor. Now the Ultralink Hunter stands by Earth, determined to do everything within his power to bring Makino's reign of terror to and end. With the aid of Max Steel he will change the fate of the galaxy, and begin to lay claim to his ancestors greatest revenge.

  • Vis Genitoris, Generator Virium

    "Time we'll need," Berto stated firmly, drawing the attention of those gathered around the injured commander. "This new power source the Makino have is no joke. I don't know where they got it, but it rivals Max's Turobo energy." My first foray into non-TF territory!

  • War Hammer

    Assigned to investigate reports of human trafficking Staff Sergeant Beverly Rosin finds himself captured by Salvers. His only way off their ship is to join a mysterious tournament on Station S-6-S. The contest is shrouded in mystery and impossibly dangerous. But then again, so is Beverly. Written for the OC contest sponsored by /u/4544649/ Rapidfyrez