
ficmonger archive

  • How Should I Presume?

    While investigating a criminal's base of operations, Batman finds himself suddenly privy to some very classified information.

  • Wonderland

    Role Reversal!AU. After the backwards courting of her coworker escalated into multiple counts of abduction and a full-blown psychotic episode, Alice Pleasance is finally apprehended. Takes place at the end of Mad as a Hatter. One-sided Alice/Jervis and completely unnecessary Jervis/Jonathan because I said so HA.

  • Sentence First, Verdict Afterwards

    Vigilante!AU. After the rough dismissal from his position as a professor at Gotham University, Crane still becomes the Scarecrow, though his reasons for assuming this alter ego are supposedly less malicious than you might initially think.

  • They're Dirty, They're Filthy

    Punk Band!AU. Jonathan and Eddie discuss their group's latest addition.

  • It's Always Six o' Clock Now

    With Tetch no longer "courting" Alice Pleasance, one might think that he's taken a step in the right direction towards good mental health, but rather, he's merely found another scapegoat to stand in as the font for his obsession.

  • A (Well Past) Midnight Dreary

    Worry is the harbinger of fear. It's not fair that the Scarecrow, of all people, should be subjected to it. A fluffy one shot. Y'know. If that's the kind of thing you're into. (T for language.)