
  • Karma

    ."It was a brilliant battle, wasn't it, Fred? We were brilliant!" The night after the final battle, Percy Weasley finds George dealing with his twin's death in a most horrifying fashion. It was then that he knew the cold hand of Karma.

  • It Runs in the Family

    Post-DH Spoilers! A drabble written for hp100 Challenge 218 Battle. What happens to the Dursleys after Deathly Hallows?

  • A Battle Fought with Quill and Parchments

    Post-DH Spoilers! A drabble written for hp100 Challenge 218 Battle. Not every war hero gets easily won recognition.

  • Dragonfly

    DH Spoilers! What happened to Ariana Dumbledore that fateful day on Mould-on-the-Wold?

  • The Spell that Can't be Cast

    Always the stickler for logic, Lily Evans has finally been befuddled with something she can't solve or cure. L/J, one-shot.