
  • The Mirror Of Erised

    "If you're telling me that desiring a bloody library is normal, then I honestly don't know the definition of insanity." Draco comes across a mirror. To say the least, he's really confused.

  • I'll Be Good

    Abuse leads to loneliness, and loneliness leads to forgiveness. Will Draco get her back? Or does Weasley get to keep her?

  • Broken

    She reached her hand out to touch his cheek, she could feel him; his warmth- but it was all some type of reality that hit her hard, and when she had blinked, he was gone. {Dramione}

  • Felix Felicies

    When Hermione continuously borrows some of Harry's Felix Felicies to escape from some desperate boys, she always ends up running into Malfoy. {Dramione}

  • Aeternum Vale

    "You'll die alone, you know. Sulk around and complain about being lonely - until you rot away without anyone caring."

  • Aeternum Vale

    "You'll die alone, you know. Sulk around and complain about being lonely - until you rot away without anyone caring."

  • Prank War

    Don't piss her off. {Dramione} Swearing ahead.

  • Everything

    It really was funny- the two of them lying there, without bickering or anything. {Dramione} Set to HBP

  • Laundry

    When laundry becomes Hermione's biggest fear.. {Dramione}

  • A Visit To Walmart

    Hermione brings Draco to Walmart. {Dramione}

  • Don't Mess With Hermione Granger

    Malfoy pisses her off. {Dramione}

  • After Effects

    An incident in Potions class goes wrong. Very wrong. {Dramione}

  • What Mother Said

    That boy has a little crush! {Dramione}

  • Nothing Is How It Seems

    Hermione thinks life is bliss. Is it really? {Dramione}

  • His Patronus

    She asks him what his Patronus is. {Dramione}

  • His Patronus

    Hermione asks him what his Patronus is. {Dramone}

  • Let You Down

    The line was straight. Her heart had stopped. (Harmione)

  • Let You Down

    It was a straight line. Her Heart had stopped.

  • Enigmatic

    He looks at her, and sees everything he's ever wanted. He looks at himself, and sees nothing she deserves. {Dramione} Warfic.

  • Fall Back In Love Eventually

    A series of unknown incidents between Draco and Hermione.