
  • Marauders Legacy

    When the grandchildren of the Marauders head to the Forbidden Forest, mischief always ensues

  • A Day Like Today

    Albus loves Natalie Dora Black. If only he could bring up the courage, after all this time, to tell her. He's spent long enough inventing the perfect situation, but maybe all he needs is a normal day . . . a day like today. Co-written with redherring.

  • Dear Harry

    Celena Lupin writes Harry a letter while everyone sleeps as she waits for their journey to find the Deathly Hallows to start again.

  • First Kisses

    As most girls turn to their male best friends for their first kiss, Hermione Granger feeling somewhat inexperienced turns to Celena Lupin for her first kiss. Contains slash and girls kissing, so you have been warned.

  • Jingle Bells

    While putting up stockings, decorations, and bells, James and Lily Potter listen to the all time classic – ‘Jingle Bells.’

  • Study Session

    Hermione and Ron just spend time together, studying.

  • Father and Daughter

    It was a late Summer night when the cries of a woman in pain echoed around the house. A man downstairs winced slightly but his face remained cold. He was finally getting his heir, no matter what. Drabble and AU.