
  • Hate Me If You Have To

    "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you needed me. Even when I came back. But I'm here now. Don't shut me out. Hate me if you have to, just don't take it out on everyone else..." Post-Seven Wonders Foxxay. Rated for language.

  • Sleep Easy By My Side

    Cordelia wakes from a night spent with Misty at her swamp shack...

  • It's So Kind of You to Want to Visit Me in My Loneliness

    '...And killing things is not so hard, It's hurting that's the hardest part, And when the wizard gets to me, I'm asking for a smaller heart...' - My first Foxxay oneshot. If you could ask the wonderful wizard for anything, what would you ask him for?

  • Hounds of Love

    "I found a Foxx, caught by dogs, she let me take her in my hands..." - 'What would it take to teach the girls not to read incantations aloud from foreign spell books'

  • Sooner Or Later It's Over

    ...I just don't want to miss you tonight.

  • You Caught Me Once

    "Are you gonna hurt me now? Or are you gonna hurt me later...?" A slight AU of sorts - What if Mary Eunice tried to do something about the Devil - long before Timothy did - and Lana Winters was the only witness?