

  • 1 of 4

    Fred's funeral is hard for everyone, but especially for Molly.

  • To Dead Uncle Fred!

    Every year on Uncle Fred's birthday, his nieces and nephews honor him by pulling some kind of prank. This year's is the best yet.

  • Too Late All Over Again

    Severus tries everything he can think of to save Lily. He's too late.

  • Troll Troubles

    AU: Harry isn't the Boy Who Lived. Neville is, and he's pretty sure everyone hates him for being such a disappointment. At least until someone lets a troll into the castle. . . (One-shot, at least for now.)

  • Awake

    No one Hannah asks about it can remember being awake when Neville wasn't. Not even once, since the day they moved into the Room of Requirement. Can she figure out how he's doing it? Updated to fix some spelling/grammar/formatting errors.

  • Choose Your Friends Wisely

    AU: Draco is sorted into Gryffindor. Everyone's shocked at first, but eventually it's just a fact. Draco is in Gryffindor. Somewhere along the line, he becomes A Gryffindor. But what happens when his parents' lives start to bleed into his? How will he deal with an ultimatum from Voldemort himself? 6th year.

  • Boy or Girl?

    Harry sits outside in the waiting room as Rose Weasley is born.

  • And So Death Took the Second Brother

    Cadmus Peverell's story. One-shot. Rated T for violence/suicide.

  • Security Breach

    The moment she saw her best friend's name on the recommendation card dangling from the shelf a few feet down from her, Hermione Weasley's blood ran cold as ice.

  • The One Who Cared

    Valentine's Day fluff. Draco feels overwhelmed by everything, but finds comfort in an unexpected place. Draco/Myrtle friendship fic, though you could probably read it as shippy if you were so inclined.

  • Daisy

    The summer between first and second year, Severus's cat has kittens. Daisy is his favorite. But with his father in the house, can he really keep her? And even if he can, should he?