
  • Forever Young

    Bl Onoda Sakamichi was sick as a child and couldn t do things most kids could do. All he had was his childhood friend who was always there for him. That was until a accident happens and Manami Sangaku regrets not being able to save him in time. Onoda then wakes up with no memories about anybody but then something horrible happens making Onoda get some powerful power.

  • Black Black Heart

    Naruto as a boy saved Pein and brought him home. Pein stayed with Naruto for sometimes and two got attached to one another, when Pein had to leave it sadden Naruto but he comes back only to say goodbye but then Naruto decided he wanted to be with him. Naruto is now part of the Akatsuki and everybody adores him but when he grows up he leaves without a word to his family but...

  • I'll Come For You

    Now I'm found, I'll never be lost I'll stick with you no matter the cost Whatever comes we'll figure it out, I know that When you call me, I will always find you When you need me out, I'll come for you And when you're lonely, I will find a way to Guide you home to me, I'll come for you