
  • Life of a Mercenary

    Death... that doesn't matter. What matters is that you went out doing something worth it. We don't choose when we die. But we can choose how to spend our life, and for Jake Jensen and Sky Christmas, they've already made that choice... no matter how much they suffer in the process. Sequel to 'The Kids Are Alright'.

  • Growing Pains

    No one ever said having kids was easy. Especially not when the two kids in question are Jake Jensen—certified genius, motor-mouth, and son of 'the Viking', Gunnar Jensen—and Sky Christmas—sarcastic, determined, and daughter of 'Knives Out', Lee Christmas. Throw these two kids together in a house full of mercenaries as guardians and you're in for a fun ride. One-Shot Series!

  • The Kids Are Alright

    Being surrounded by guns and knives in their home would frighten most children. Having family that killed for a living would be horrifying to most children. Knowing that there was a possibility that your family might not make it back on their mission would lead most children to depression. Jake Jensen and Sky Christmas weren't most children.