
  • Connie and Me

    A story about Steven and Connie. They're teenagers doing teenage stuff, lemons. Some violence, be warned! Steven's POV. Please review. Please don't flood my inbox asking for the chapters! YES THEY ARE 18, PLEASE STOP ASKING ME. 18 is still a teenager!

  • My Dearest Connie Marie

    A short story based loosely on the Edgar Allen Poe poem Annabel Lee. Rated T for Death. Please review.

  • Rose-Colored Wishes

    What if Steven had wished to see his mom while he was in her room? Find out in this story. :) Art from kasukasukasumisty on Tumblr.

  • Father and Son

    A short story about Steven, Greg, and Garnet. Just a day about hanging out with baby Steven. Art by Rebecca Sugar. Not done writing, probably going to add more.

  • Rose Quartz and Mr Universe

    A story of how Rose and Greg became husband and wife. Takes place in 1985 until 1990. Rated M for a reason! Please review, I'd like to know how I can get better! Image from Tumblr. I didn't like the way I wrote the original lemon scene so I rewrote it in Chapter 2. I'm aware that timing wasn't too consistant, I don't have time to fix it, SORRY! D:

  • Time to Go

    Amethyst can't stand how Pearl has been treating her. One-shot. Anger. Rated T for swearing

  • A Winter Rose

    A story of Rose's pregnancy and the birth of Steven Universe. Inspired by Iris - Goo Goo Dolls. Please review, I can't get better without your help! If you're wondering about the part that says "the silent baby" let me make it clear that he was still-born.

  • The Fifth Gem

    Steven's life was normal, but when this new Gem arrives, will it change his life forever? GEM DEATH A little dream I had that was about the blue gem spot on the door. Sapphire is based on a dream persona, not based on anyone in particular.